Brenna Williams is a singer/songwriter with a foundation in all things visual art. As a Fashion Design student she took up a greater interest in music entirely, with a specific pull to lyricism; the desire to create meaning in more than just the 3D plane where she was so well acclimated. All studies, both academically and leisurely, were done in her own company.
She began with experimental covers, utilizing her own voice for any and all vocal effects and otherwise. A hardly-reliable setup on her dorm-room desk and the cheapest microphone she could find. The few moments spared between classes and homework were fully dedicated to the sake of trying.
Fast-forward to 2024, nearly 10 years later. Brenna has rebuilt her foundation; where she was once an artist with a pencil in hand she has molded to another medium. With several songs currently released, each as experimental as the last, her latest project is proof that great things do in fact take time. There was no point in the last several years where her sound truly lived; not until now.
In her time with music thus far, she has not only cultivated a unique writing and vocal style, but she has gained the likes of numerous producers and cowriters. While spending time in Nashville she peaked interest in that of Sony as well as heavy-hitters in radio promotion. She cowrote a single, Butterflies & Rainbows, alongside Andre Cymone, Matt Browning, as well as other established pros from Los Angeles to New York. She parted ways in 2023 with prior management in order to create independently; the music presently speaks for itself.
This upcoming EP release epitomizes the process of creating a lasting piece of artwork. It combines the classic motifs heard in the late1960's and 1970's; an ethereal melancholy, camouflaged by the airiness of strings, the acoustic guitar, and an always classic piano. Her current objective aligns with her sound, both creatively and authentically breathing life new life into classic tropes.